Blogue de l'assureur

Assurances Groupe Vézina responsabilité-collision-assurance

Who determines liability in an accident?

It’s always your insurer. And if there are no injuries, you don’t need to have the police come. Simply fill out a Joint Report and report the accident quickly to your insurer.

This document, also available in an app version, allows the parties to identify themselves and report the accident to their respective insurers right away.

To establish liability (and compensation), your insurer will use the Direct Compensation Agreement, which illustrates every possible accident scenario.

You can consult the Direct Compensation Agreement on GAA’s website.

At-fault or not: how does it affect compensation?

Not at fault

Not at fault for the accident? Then, you’ll be compensated by your insurer even if you didn’t purchase Collision coverage. And you won’t have to pay the policy deductible.

At fault

  • At fault for the accident? And was your car damaged? You’ll be compensated if you purchased Collision or All Perils coverage (Section B of your policy). And you’ll have to pay the policy deductible.
  • If you only have liability coverage, also known as Section A of the auto insurance policy, you’ll have to cover all the repair costs.

