Preventing the theft of your vehicle and its contents
Did you know that in 2024 in Canada, more than 57,000 vehicles were stolen and there are 40,000 thefts of personal contents from vehicles? Assurances
Did you know that in 2024 in Canada, more than 57,000 vehicles were stolen and there are 40,000 thefts of personal contents from vehicles? Assurances
Due to Quebec’s long, cold winters, we tend to use our clothes dryers a lot. But did you know that this appliance, specifically the lint
Getting your youngster’s driver’s license can represent moments of freedom as well as anxiety. ASSURANCES GROUPE VÉZINA offers you this useful information to help you
Do you own a business? Have you considered purchasing a business insurance policy? You don’t have to, but in the event of a claim, you
When you start major renovations, you are often overwhelmed with many questions and decisions. Apart from the choice of colours and finishes, decisions that will
Your vacation is in sight and you can see yourself unwinding as you roam a distant countryside. But thieves and broken pipes don’t go on