Your Insurance Broker's Blog

The limits of your home insurance

Do you have an extraordinary passion or collection? Have you converted a room in your house into a music studio? Or have you acquired the sailboat of your dreams? Or maybe your basement is a mini-museum dedicated to your favorite professional sports team?

Your home insurance policy pays out a maximum amount, or limit, when it comes to certain property. In case of a loss, your indemnity will never exceed the amount stated under the policy. If you feel that the limits are lower than the value of some of the items you own, talk to your home insurer or broker and ask for a higher coverage for them.

Talk to your broker. If you feel that the limitation amounts are lower than the value of certain assets you own, ask for a higher insurance amount for these assets.


Goods for which coverage is limited on most insurance contracts, regardless of the type of loss covered:

Animals : $2,000

Boats : $2,000

Gold or silver bars, bank notes and cash : $200

Software : $2,000

Lawn tractors, equipment trailers : $5,000

Securities : $2,000

Personal property used for professional activities : $2,000

Bicycles (including equipment and accessories) : $2,000

Sports and artistic personality cards : $2,000


Property for which coverage in case of THEFT is limited under most insurance policies


Wine and spirits : $5,000

Jewellery : $2,000

Furs : $2,000

Manuscripts/stamps/coins : $2,000

Objects made of silver or gold : $5,000

Audio and video media (including CDs and DVDs) : $2,000

Works of art : $10,000

Collections : $2,000

The amounts indicated are for information only. Your insurance contract limitations could include higher amounts of insurance. It is worth checking it out.


