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Going on vacation? Protect your home while you’re away!

Your vacation is in sight and you can see yourself unwinding as you roam a distant countryside. But thieves and broken pipes don’t go on vacation! Here are a few safety tips from Assurances Groupe Vézina to safeguard your home while you’re away.

  1. Leave your home keys with someone you trust who will visit often to make sure all is well during your absence. Ask this person to draw and close the curtains, turn lights on, move your car and pick up your mail so the house looks occupied. Leave a number you can be reached at and the contact information of your insurance broker, the name of your insurer and your insurance policy number.
  2. Don’t have anyone who can visit your home during your absence? Shut off the water supply and drain all the pipes and appliances before you go. Remember to set the temperature at a comfortable level to avoid freezing.
  3. Make sure your grounds are well maintained: have your lawn mowed or your front entry shovelled, ask someone to put out and collect your garbage and recycling bins, etc.
  4. Lock all your doors and close your windows properly. You can also use a bar to secure the patio door. Don’t forget to lock the shed door.
  5. Control the lights with a timer so they go on and off over the course of the day. This way the house looks like it’s occupied.
  6. If you have an alarm system, set it. Notify your alarm company of your absence and give them the contact information of the person you are entrusting to watch your home.
  7. Don’t announce your absence, especially on social networks or in your voice mail message.
  8. Leaving for more than 30 consecutive days? Notify your insurance broker of your absence and while you’re at it, ask if you need to take any specific precautions to retain your coverage during your absence.

Going away during winter?

Your home insurance may not cover damage caused by freezing if the home is unoccupied for more than seven consecutive days. Having someone you trust come to your home each day will ensure you are covered in the event of freezing.