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Wood burning appliances: keep warm safely!

Winter is upon us, and what could better than a cozy fire to warm up the home and set the mood for romance! Statistics show however that chimneys cause more than a third of residential fires. Many fires are also caused by the improper disposal of ashes from the fireplace. We wouldn’t want your romantic evening to turn into your worst nightmare, so here are a few tips from Assurances Groupe Vézina.

Wood stove and fireplace: be careful.

If you don’t often use wood to heat up your home, you should clean your chimney at least once a year, preferably in the spring. Use wood exclusively? Your chimney should be swept after approximately every three cords of wood burned.

You should be equipped with one or more carbon monoxide (CO2) detectors, which should ideally be installed near bedrooms and in the basement near the heating system. They should not be installed near ceiling fans, doors or windows, or behind furniture or curtains.

Plus, you should purchase a 5-lb ABC powder fire extinguisher that can put out nearly any fire. Check your extinguishers and detectors regularly.

Fireplace ash disposal

Ashes can stay hot for 72 hours or more. To safely dispose of your ashes and prevent fires, here are a few simple precautions:

  1. Throw your ashes away in a metal container with a raised bottom and a mechanical lid.
  2. Store the container outdoors, at least a meter away from the house’s exterior walls or any flammable materials.
  3. Check to make sure the ashes are truly cooled after 72 hours. If so, empty them into a plastic bag and seal it properly, then place the bag in your compost or garbage bin.

Care about the environment… and your wallet? In the spring, the cooled ashes that are free of chunks of wood make the perfect fertilizer for your garden plots or borders!

Have a great, warm and safe winter!

Assurances Groupe Vézina is there to help you prevent losses. Feel free to contact us!